June 07 |
Dave Mirra BMX
June 07 | PuzzleBall |
June 07 |
Shrek the Third |

about | staff | advertise
Wii UK was founded in the summer of 2006 by James Hobbs, closed down in 2008, and was recently
resurrected in January 2015. The purpose of the site is to provide coverage of Nintendo's Wii console,
albeit aimed at a UK audience.
Whilst we do have many visitors from overseas, many of our articles have a UK tangent, making it far more relevant for people in the UK.
We feature the latest news on the front page of the site, detailed previews and reviews, and we have a dedicated media server to allow visitors to download
screenshots and videos of the latest games, for free. Wii UK also has a busy forum, where visitors can discuss almost anything.
Since opening, the site has developed rapidly into an essential resource for anyone from the UK ( or beyond ) wishing to find out information about Wii.
Perhaps more importantly, I can promise you this - there will be no Wii related puns anywhere on this site. If any have slipped past, e-mail in and the offending writer will be executed immediately.
Thank you, and enjoy the site.
staff member | role | e-mail |
James Hobbs | Editor | james[at]wii-uk.net |
Wii UK can accomodate a wide range of advertising into the site design. Traditional banners, vertical or horizontal, can be implemented easily, or
a custom campaign can be created.
The site appeals to an extremely wide demographic - despite predominantly attracting UK-based 16-24 year olds, we also receive a large amount of traffic from
Europe, America, and further overseas.
To advertise on the UK's leading Nintendo Wii website, to a growing audience of over 2,000 visitors a day, please contact
James for further information.
If you would like to exchange links with us, please bear in mind that we are currently only accepting link exchanges from sites with a Google Pagerank of
5 or higher. If you do not fulfil this requirement but you think that exhanging links would be beneficial, please get in touch.