June 07 |
Dave Mirra BMX
June 07 | PuzzleBall |
June 07 |
Shrek the Third |

The Wii House: Day One |
Written by James Hobbs |
James and Ed went to the secret Wii House in London...
Stream removed...
The Wii House |
Today has officially restored my faith in Wii.
After a somewhat lacklustre experience at the BBC Good Food Show, I found myself
awaiting our excursion to the Wii House with trepidation. I was clinging onto the hope that the Twilight Princess demo was not an
indication of the finished product, and that all of the 'unknown' titles that I hadn't played would live up to expectations. It was a
rather nerve-wracking journey.
The house itself is beautiful decked out in all manner of Wii aesthetics - mugs, frosted glass, paintings, photographs, craftily edited film
posters - making for a rather bizarre yet strangely immersive gaming environment. The house felt like a safe haven from the
urban filth outside, a electronic hovel of fun, a pleasurable den of technological iniquity... ignoring the ridiculous similes, it was
a lovely house that made for the ideal gaming experience, a considerable improvement over the gargantuan hall in which we previously played
Rather strangely, when the Nintendo rep was changing games on one of the 11 Wii consoles that were in the house, he insisted that we leave the
room for 5 minutes whilst he did so. We have no idea why, but he was armed with a GameCube controller and a big wad of discs. That's an exclusive
for you, albeit an incredibly mysterious one - we intend to find out what he was up to. Enjoy our impressions, and please let us know what you think
on the boards.
1 - Introduction
2 - Wii Play impressions
3 - Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz impressions
4 - Twilight Princess impressions
5 - Tony Hawks' Downhill Jam impressions
6 - Excite Truck impressions
7 - Rayman: Raving Rabbids impressions
8 - Call of Duty 3 impressions